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The spiritual souls

Updated on September 20, 2020

We need to believe in spirituality

In order to connect to God and the spiritual world we need to believe that we are part of it and that we are able to move from one side to the other side; it may even be just as it says in this sign above.
In order to connect to God and the spiritual world we need to believe that we are part of it and that we are able to move from one side to the other side; it may even be just as it says in this sign above. | Source
We are human beings and spiritual beings at the same time, it is up to us to fulfil both roles. When we are here on earth, we need to think about our spiritual side and it is helpful when we surround ourselves with spiritual things.
We are human beings and spiritual beings at the same time, it is up to us to fulfil both roles. When we are here on earth, we need to think about our spiritual side and it is helpful when we surround ourselves with spiritual things. | Source

Talking about our spiritual souls

Welcome to our article (91), ‘The spiritual souls’

May God guide and help me to say the right things.

Dear readers, we want to talk about our spiritual souls, and show you the links, between God and the rest of the life forces of the universe, while, we are giving our souls the value they deserve, within our imaginary religious world.

Therefore, let us assume that we have souls, and that the souls influence the spiritual world. This attitude can be the right one; because if we assume that a benevolent God exists, and God is life and the life energies that can give life to every living thing, then, it follows that these life energies must return to be part of God life forces energies of the universe, when they die.

Now, all our souls together, may influence the spiritual strength of the God. If we assume that the souls of people influence the spiritual strength of the God, then by default we must assume that there are several gods. So, let us try to answer this assumption.

We need to be realistic, you see, there are hundreds of religions in the world, we know that the minor religions can be grouped together, so, their number will shrink, but even after that, there are several religions in the world; most of those religions have a god as its head figure, because this is how most religions have been set up. Therefore, when we say that our souls influence the strength of God; this is true, but we should assume, that the God we follow is a God, but at the same time this God acts only as the spiritual portal that we belong to, and it leads to the central life force of God of the universe, which is life and all the gods in one.

So, we are saying that we must accept that there are several spiritual forces that people will call gods, in fact, people will call god any super entity, even people themselves have been said to be gods; so, if we find that people believe in several gods, it is normal. Now let us see where this will take us.


The changing world

Whichever way we want to look at it, we must admit that things are changing, as we can bear witness to our own lives here on earth, if we care to compare them to the old ways; so, let us start to look at how our forebears saw these things.

In the beginning, even a single strong person was thought to be a god. Perhaps this is how the word god came about on earth, and in the spiritual world. In those times these leaders new about the spiritual beliefs that existed, so, they linked themselves to the spiritual gods, and they believed themselves that they were gods and at their death they would go back to become spiritual gods; the Egyptian did that, they believed that the Pharaoh was a god, and at his death he would join again the gods of the underworld. It was a convenient way for everybody, until that system lasted. Here under is a link that will take you to the ancient Egyptian beliefs:

Ancient Egyptian religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Today we don’t need a strong person to be our leader, so, there are no more god on earth like person, but we need leaders to lead us in the right directions, so, the old system is changing, we are happy to share our knowledge and we are independent, those people that want to be our leaders, will tell us what they will do for us, their strength is their knowledge, and the number of people that they convince to follow them; therefore, today the leaders are selected by the people, this new system is called a republic, where the number of people elect their leader. So, we are saying that the strength of the leaders is his knowledge, and the number of people that are willing to follow them. This example here can be used as a parallel to the spiritual world, so, let us switch to the spiritual world and to our souls’ discussions.

Our souls have a value in the spiritual world; because if we put many souls together, a flow of energy can come from them, here we need to assume that the spiritual world is a parallel dimension, that can be influenced by our souls. We know that this system can link all existing souls, deities and other spiritual entities of the world, and link them up in a logic way, that makes sense to our human mind, so that we can proceed with our religious theory of ‘Reconciliation of the universe’.

To do that, we need to connect everything that we know together, these things can be spiritual or human knowledge, then, from this accumulated knowledge, we must work it out by using our imagination. I believe I can do that, because I believe that I am a religious seer, because my own soul seem to guide me to look for religious issues, perhaps I have been born to do that.

Now that I have explained that, I want to compare religions in a spiritual way according to their strength, so, let us see how we can compare religions to each other, because we would like to know.


The main religion of the world

There are many religions in the world, look at this photo to see their size. The amount of people that follow those religions, is the amount of souls that those religions would contribute in the spiritual world.
There are many religions in the world, look at this photo to see their size. The amount of people that follow those religions, is the amount of souls that those religions would contribute in the spiritual world. | Source

Compare spiritual religion

To compare religions to each other, we must assume that everything that people believe exists, then, use our imagination to compare them. Our views can be classified as philosophy, religion, or a way of seeing religions in the future.

To compare religions, the first thing we must do, is to look at the size of the religions, and the number of people that follow that religion, because it is the number of people as spiritual souls that can influence religions in our case, since we are trying to see what value have souls in the other world, because we want to write a religious theory that links both worlds. In this issue we are talking about the main religions.

Now all religions are spiritual, because if we take away spirituality, then they are not religion anymore. Anyhow, people beliefs are not the same; we can clearly see that there are at least two main types of religions, those that believe in a single God, the monotheism religions as it is written in the Bible, and all the religions that derive from the Bible, and then there are those that have several gods.

The largest group, is formed from the group that derives their religions from the Bible; the second largest group, is Hinduism and all the religions that have come about from Hinduism, these polytheistic religions are more complex, because they have several gods, but at the beginning there was only one god that started life on earth. Here we need also to mention the old pagan religions that existed before Christianity, because a large part of the community were following this religion; now the pagan religions don’t exist anymore, since they have been replaced with Christianity, but nevertheless the souls of those people have existed, and if we believe that souls are immortal, then these souls exist in the spiritual dimension.

Anyhow, here we want to talk about the value of a soul, when they go back in the spiritual dimension. Now let us talk about the spiritual souls, since it is the souls that are the main link, between the living world and the spiritual world.


Spiritual God and souls

God and the spiritual force dwell in the universe, so if we look at any part of the universe while we are alive, even though we don't see God, we may say that we are looking at God, because the universe would be filled with God spiritual forces.
God and the spiritual force dwell in the universe, so if we look at any part of the universe while we are alive, even though we don't see God, we may say that we are looking at God, because the universe would be filled with God spiritual forces. | Source

About spiritual souls

Dear reader, we are writing our theory of ‘Reconciliation of the universe’, which is our imaginary spiritual universe that we call the spiritual dimension, we are talking about spiritual souls, because it is the spiritual souls that link the living world to the spiritual world, and in doing so we create a link. So, we need to follow the journey of the souls, for a continuous link to be formed, if we do that everything falls in the right place, because the soul can be in both worlds, therefore, there is a constant link between the living and the dead souls.

Now, to link the living world to the spiritual world, and talk about God of the universe, we need to talk about the way that our souls move from this world to the next.

So, let us start to talk about Christianity, because this is the largest religion in the world, and because this is the religion that I follow, since I am a Roman Catholic person. Anyhow, while I am writing this article here, I am sure that Our Lord Jesus Christ, is the main Christianity portal for the souls of people, that move back to the life forces of God of the universe, it has got to be so, because Our Lord Jesus Christ is said to have opened a way to go back to Our Father God, before that time the Bible does not make clear whether we have a soul or not, and if we had a soul what would happen to our souls when we die.

Now assuming that the number of souls that follow a deity is important, we guess that after our Lord Jesus Christ, the second main portal in line would be Allah (god of the Muslim) that leads back the souls to God of the universe, followed by Hinduism and those religions that come from Hinduism. Here we may have to add that all living souls have a portal, their portal is formed from the spiritual deities that they believe in, it has got to be so, because for God of the universe all living souls are the same and have got a value that needs to be saved, so, a portal need to be provided for all souls, so their portal is the gods of the religions they follow.

We hope that we have said enough to form our imaginary link, between the living world and the spiritual world, so that, when we talk about the spiritual life force of the universe, our readers will understand what we are talking about; and when we are going to state that there is only one God throughout the universe, they will understand how we got there.

Anyhow, I believe that it would make more sense, if we use a couple of articles that we have written already, to link to the beginning of ‘Reconciliation of the universe; where we state that there is only one God throughout the universe, and other religious things. We want to do that because the article Angels greetings is one of the reasons, why I am writing these religious writings, and we hope that it will link better our religious theory.

See you in our next religious article. See you soon.

May God bless us all.



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