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Religious Reconciliation Forum

Updated on July 14, 2020

Religions, some important religious forums

Saint Peter square in Rome is a very important religious forum, look how many people are attending this special service. People are attracted to religions, it is an inborn need that we have. We need to believe in God or other spirituality.
Saint Peter square in Rome is a very important religious forum, look how many people are attending this special service. People are attracted to religions, it is an inborn need that we have. We need to believe in God or other spirituality. | Source
Mecca, this is the most popular forum in the world, since there are millions of people that go to Mecca at least once in their lives. But I believe their is something wrong. No real God wants to kill people is his own name.
Mecca, this is the most popular forum in the world, since there are millions of people that go to Mecca at least once in their lives. But I believe their is something wrong. No real God wants to kill people is his own name. | Source
Thousand and thousand of people go to this Indian river Ganges to bath in its waters to clean their sins or whatever they believe they need to do. People need their religions beliefs to live a meaningful life. Even if we think they are strange.
Thousand and thousand of people go to this Indian river Ganges to bath in its waters to clean their sins or whatever they believe they need to do. People need their religions beliefs to live a meaningful life. Even if we think they are strange.

About Religious Reconciliation Forums

Welcome to our article (2), Religious Reconciliation Forum

May God help and guide us to write the right things?

Dear readers, in our previous article, we have talked about public forums, we have done that to open our religious discussions, because we want to write a Religious Forum.

We believe that humanity has always needed God and religions; you see, when we look at the religious events that happen in the world, we can see their importance. To prove our point, we have attached pictures to this article, showing that thousands of people participate in important religious events. Because they believe in God, and because it gives them a sense of belonging to a group of other people, which most people find helpful during their lives.

When we look at the entire world of religions, we can see that some of the God/s we believe in today, go under different names according to which religion we belong, sometimes even the same God or spiritual forces has different names, like; Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, all being names of the same Abraham’s God; of course there are other gods from other religions, like the Hindus gods Braham, Vishnu and Shiva plus others.

Anyhow, I believe that religions are useful to humanity, we believe that there are more religions in this world that we thought was possible to have, some of which are strange to us who believe in Christianity and other religions that follow the God of Abraham. So, we suggest that you check this link below to see some of the Indian religions:

Millions of Hindus plunge into Ganges River in India to wash away ...,

Anyhow, in these articles, we will be looking for religious options that can improve links between religions, since today the world is going global, but religions are arguing and even fighting each other; we believe that we need to suggest how this can be stopped. Because religions need to guide humanity in a peaceful way, if religions cannot guide people in a peaceful way, then religions can do more harm than good.


The false religion and Islamic State killers

A killer is a killer and he cannot be a God following person, because if he believed in God he would not kill, The Sixth Commandment says, Thou shalt not kill. But today we are witnessing the slaughtering of the innocents, from the Islamic State.
A killer is a killer and he cannot be a God following person, because if he believed in God he would not kill, The Sixth Commandment says, Thou shalt not kill. But today we are witnessing the slaughtering of the innocents, from the Islamic State. | Source

Discussing the religions of today

Today religions are not perfect, therefore, we need to discuss these issues as the philosophers do. Anyhow, to discuss and explain these religious issues, we need to look at least to the major existing religions. We must start from the beginning, so, we can see the entire religious picture; we need to go over our human history, to see how and why humanity believes in God and religions, and why Man needs God and religions.

So, in this article, we will be talking about several issues, starting with: God and religious beliefs; looking for religious reconciliation; our religious reconciliation forum; Religions and how they serve humanity; do we need a super God; more discussion about a super God; religions and why we need them; who are the atheists; other religious problems.

Then, we need to look at what is happening in the world, because while I am editing this article there are horrible things happening in the name of God, like killing the innocent people. Anyhow, there is this prophesy in the Bible about the Middle East wars, here is a link to it:

Middle East in Prophecy - What Does the Future Hold?

Now, let us talk about, God and religious beliefs.


Compare today religions of the world

There are several religions in this world, as shown in this photo, some of them have just one God, like the Christian religions and the Muslim religion, other have different set ups and people believe what they have been told from their forbears.
There are several religions in this world, as shown in this photo, some of them have just one God, like the Christian religions and the Muslim religion, other have different set ups and people believe what they have been told from their forbears. | Source

About God and religious beliefs

Now, as we have explained in our previous article Reconciliation forum, to explain this group about God and religious beliefs, it needs to be divided in three smaller groups at least:

Religious group 1; about old religions and the inborn need that humanity has had for them;

Religious group 2; Today existing religions and how they serve humanity;

Religious group 3; should there be a super religion to help humanity in the future?

These are the articles that we are going to talk about in this religious site:

Therefore, what we are going to talk here, is about religions and if religions need to be modified in the future, for the future benefit of mankind. So, may God help us say the right things.


We are in the universe in search of ourselves in a religious way.

We live on this planet earth, in this corner of the universe in the sign of zodiac of the Milky Way galaxy and we are in search of ourselves in a religious way.
We live on this planet earth, in this corner of the universe in the sign of zodiac of the Milky Way galaxy and we are in search of ourselves in a religious way. | Source
This is our home, our beautiful planet earth, here we often ask ourselves where do we come from and what is the reason of our life on earth and therefore if there is a religious purpose for our lives.
This is our home, our beautiful planet earth, here we often ask ourselves where do we come from and what is the reason of our life on earth and therefore if there is a religious purpose for our lives. | Source

Looking at ourselves and God.

We believe that we are able thinking creatures, so, we want to know who we are, and where we are going, and by observing and asking questions, we believe that we live a double life, one of our lives is physical and the other is spiritual.

From the physical side and observations, we have become aware that we live in a corner of the universe, on this planet that we call earth in the Zodiac constellation in the Milky Way galaxy; we believe that we are a small part of the universe, but we are able thinking creatures, and proud of what we are.

Now, we may not be important in size, compared to the universe, but we are important in other ways for ourselves, especially our life and our spirituality side. So, we want to know why we are here on earth, and what is the meaning for our own life, since it can be connected to God and life itself; because there are reasons to believe that God could be life itself.

You see, to understand what life is all about, and then live a meaningful life, we must find a way how to be reconciled with everything around us; so, we must try to live in harmony with our environment, we should learn how to live according to Mother Nature, in such a way that we don’t harm our environment, and we must learn how to live according to God’s will. Since God exists and is the life giver of every living thing, and master of the entire universe.

Anyhow, we are working on how to achieve religious reconciliations, and we have published several articles. Here are some of our articles’ links: Prayers of Reconciliation

Angels, Saints and human souls, Nature of the Universe and earth, God of the universe

Now, because there are several religions in the world, we need to describe them, in this forum.


Gods and Religious Places

These are some images of gods that mankind has worshiped. Here I have to add that nobody has really seen God, as God is supposed to be an unseen spiritual life force which humans are unable to see. But Moses saw God as a burning bush
These are some images of gods that mankind has worshiped. Here I have to add that nobody has really seen God, as God is supposed to be an unseen spiritual life force which humans are unable to see. But Moses saw God as a burning bush | Source
The Indian religions are for us westerners very hard to understand, as there are many gods and goddesses and sometimes they are shown three in one
The Indian religions are for us westerners very hard to understand, as there are many gods and goddesses and sometimes they are shown three in one | Source
Basilica of Saint Peter Rome, there are many places of worship in the world and Saint Peter Basilica is the main one for the Roman Catholic religion
Basilica of Saint Peter Rome, there are many places of worship in the world and Saint Peter Basilica is the main one for the Roman Catholic religion
The old pagan religions have left many temples, some of which are still standing today, this photo is an Ancient Greek Temple
The old pagan religions have left many temples, some of which are still standing today, this photo is an Ancient Greek Temple | Source

How to reconcile God and life.

When we think about God, there are times when we believe that God is up there looking at every move that we make; but there are times when we think that God does not exist, this has been humanity dilemma from the very beginning of times.

Anyhow, the existence of God has been forever open to doubts, and it will be so for a long time, because the whole question must come down to whether God exist or not, since God can be an invention of our human mind, because of our need to believe in the existence of the spiritual world and God; you see, God is so important in our subconscious that we must believe in God.
Most religions want us to believe that God has created everything, but there is no physical evidence that God exists except in our human minds.

Anyhow, we can overcome that by saying that God is the life force energies in the universe, which gives life to every living thing, otherwise how can we explain the existence of life? Our logic reasoning says there must be a God or a life force energy that makes life possible on earth.

Therefore, we must accept that there is a God even if we cannot prove it. We believe that the need we have for God, has made us invent God; one of the reasons can be that it was started from our inner fear, we humans are a fearful lot. We are looking for security all the time, you see, we live together in communities to feel safe; it is our human nature to feel this fear of the unknown and it is good because it helps us survive. Therefore, The origin of religion, can be the reaction to our inner fear.

As we know, God and religions go hand in hand, and for religion to exist and be helpful it needs a God as figure head. As we have said; man needs God, and God needs man.

So, our beliefs about God has started since the beginning of times, when humanity became able to think, they became homo sapient able to think and make their own decisions, but because of this knowledge they felt unsafe, so, they invented God, in the hope that God would protect them from whatever they were afraid of.

Therefore, we believe that religions are an inborn need for humanity to overcome their inner fears, whatever these fears are or come from.

Ancient history is full of gods, goddesses, demigods and heroes and sometimes even strong and powerful animals were worshipped as gods; one of these animal gods is mentioned in the Bible, in Daniel’s, Bell and the dragon, where Daniel slays the dragon that was revered from Babylonians as a god by feeding him a mixture of tar and other ingredients, which made the dragon bust and die.

There are so many Greek gods and Roman gods in the history books of those times, which is hard nowadays to know what their role was in those times. So, today we can still find many statues of gods and goddesses of the past. Anyhow, I have found this link that will give you some knowledge about those gods and goddesses of the past; , as you can see gods and religions have existed for a very long time and will continue to exist in the future, because they serve humanity well.


Some religious leaders and places of worship

Daley Lama, leader of the Buddhism
Daley Lama, leader of the Buddhism
Saint Peter Basilica, the most important Roman Catholic church.
Saint Peter Basilica, the most important Roman Catholic church. | Source
Saint Steven
Saint Steven

Religions and how they serve humanity

I believe that today religions are failing to guide humanity safely together; since religions should be that universal law that guides humanity, in a peaceful and safe way; so that, we can live in peace and harmony with the rest of the world.

We believe that there are too many religions in this world, and each one of them has its own ideology, religions in the past were written to stay isolated. Today some religious leaders like the pope, are trying to improve the situation, by opening religious talks with other religions, hoping to reach some religious understanding. Pope Francis Befriends Muslims

As we know this has not happened in the past, so, there is hope that things may improve in the future. Today we heard in the news that the pope (head of the Roman Catholic Church) is going to visit a synagogue to meet leaders of other religions; this new attitude may help in the long run; but it requires religious changes.

Therefore, we need to ask questions, and these questions need to be answered honestly. You see, because we are different to each other, we have different views, and because we are different, we will answer those question in a different way. So, humanity may not be ready to answer those questions properly and honestly yet, therefore, let us look at what we have in the religious world today; and then, try to come up with some suggestions.

Churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, minarets and other names of religious buildings are all revered by people, as they have a powerful effect on the human spirit, since they have their powerful attachment to religion. Religious books have even more power than religious buildings on the human mind and spirit.

But today educated people find problems in religious books, because there are things written that cannot be true. For example, if you read or study religious books one after another, these books will not agree with each other in many ways. So, what can be done to solve this religious problem?

For instance; should all religious leaders forget their religious differences, meet, and write a religious book that can connect all religions together?

Anyhow, I believe that if a group of people dedicate their time to learn about religions; they will find that religions need to be modified; so that in the future religions can stand side by side and agree with each other.

So, the question is; is it possible to come up with a new religious theory, which can provide a possible religious solution to the problems that we have today?

Perhaps we can. If we believe that there is a Super-God, and this Super-God represents all existing earthly life and the spiritual life. So, let us discuss about this Super-God.

Discussions about a Super-God

We believe that we need a Super-God, because today we have a religious situation, it is the same situation has been there for thousands of years. But in the past religions could work well the way they were because people lived more isolated, for that reason religions were made the way they were made. But today people are mixing with other people of different religions, so, religions need a lot more tolerance built within them that allows people of different religions to live peacefully with other religious groups.

Now, some religions claim that they are completely tolerant to other religions, but it is not so. It is not so because, some religious extremist, go around killing those people that in their views are the infidels, meaning that they do not believe in their religious beliefs.

So, what can be done to stop these crazy people? I believe that there are two ways open to us: one way is to stop believing in God completely; the other way is to believe that there is a Super-God that can link all religions together.

Of course, there are other ways; one of which is that we would like to see more collaboration between religious leaders; but above all I would like to see all religions to put their cards on the table, by publishing all their religious books on the Internet free for everybody to read.

The Internet should give away a free site that is easy for everybody to find; this site can be called just, Religious Books, and anyone interested in knowing about religions can visit this site and find all the religious books they need to learn about.

Today I must say that I have formed my own religious theory, so, I want to say something about it. So, let us imagine that there is a Super-God, that existing religious people accept to be true; this super God is a link that can link all existing religions together, and therefore, it can link all existing gods, all existing earthly life, and all spiritual life together. Therefore, most of the religious problems are solved. So, we need a Super-God. But why we have religions.


Religions and why we have them.

We must admit that most people feel that they need a God and religions. So, in this religious forum, we want to find a way that can bring all religions together under a single Super-God.

Anyhow, when we talk about religious issues, the first question that comes to our minds is this: does God exists? Then, we ask more questions, if there is a god what this god can be like? Is this God the way they say in the Bible? And we keep asking these questions all the time.

Now let us see what people believe about these religious issues. To do that we need to separate people in different groups, because that is the only way that will give us a clear picture. Once we have done that, we find at the opposite ends these two groups the believer and the unbelievers, which have argued for centuries about these issues. There are other groups as well; but to make things easier we want to talk about these two different groups that stand worlds apart. The only thing that these two groups have in common is that they believe that they are right in believing what they believe. Therefore, the other groups have got to be wrong. Here I am talking about the theists and the atheists that stand in opposition to each other on religious matters.

Now we must say that the atheists do not see that they are doing harm to religions, since the only thing that they state is that they do not believe that there is a god. But at the same time the atheists try to preach their own theory of not believing in God to the believers, by telling them that believing in God is more harm than good. This attitude that they have is as bad as those extremist religious believers, who go around preaching their own beliefs to such an extremity that would even kill you, if you don’t agree with them. Now let us talk about the atheists.


Who are the atheists

The Atheists are those people that do not believe in God, because it does not make sense to them; they believe that there is no God and that God is all an invention of our forebears, because they did not know any better in those times. So, let us imagine how these religious things evolved.

In the beginning somebody started talking about the existence of God. Because they wanted to believe in God, because it was a higher power that could help them when they were in trouble; they also thought that they had a soul, which would link them to God spiritual force and live forever. Anyhow, the existence of God started, and the people accepted it.

Now, it happened that once these beliefs of the existence of God became known, the community leader of those times found that by using these beliefs about God or gods, they could control better their community, so, they added other things themselves and used these religious beliefs to their own advantage.

Now if we consider this atheistic reason, we must admit that there is a chance that the atheists are right, because today there is not really evidence of the existence of God. But then again, one starts to see all those people that have believed in God in the past, all those places of worship that they have built, all these religious services that are going on today, so, we believe that God exists. Now, let us look at what the rest of the community thinks about the atheists.

Most religious people think that the atheists are nasty people, and that, they don’t know about God and religions that is why they are atheist; their assumption is based on the facts, that the atheists do not try to believe in God, and they are not aware of what is written in the Bible. But I believe that this is not the case,

The atheists for me can be divided in two groups, the first group is formed by learned people (this forms the larger group), these learned people do not believe in God, not because they have not read the Bible; but because when they read the Bible, what is written in the Bible does not add up the way that is supposed to add up, in other words the Bible for them is a book of stories written for the purpose of controlling the people.

The second group (this is only a small minority), it is formed by people who are of very bad character, so, for them God does not exist, because it is convenient for them when they do nasty deeds, when these people do nasty things, they don’t want to know about God and God’s commandments, and this is the reason why people think that atheists are nasty people. So, it is obvious that we need to find a way that can neutralize them.


Other religious problems

As we have said, there are many religious issues that need to be solved, the biggest religious problem is caused by the religions themselves, because religions are different to one another, and also, the believers of a religion believe that their religion is the true religion, therefore, the other religions are wrong. You see, religions have been made to get a group of people together that believe in the same God and the same things, so, this religious problem arises, because religions have been made to stay isolated. This is the reason why I believe that, we need a religion guided from a Super-God that can show the entire world that we are all the same in the eyes of God.

So, in next chapter of man needs God, we will talking about a Super God; but this time God is going to be different from the God described in the Bible, and this God can be accepted by the atheists, because this God is not the creator of everything. You see, we need to accept this God because man needs God,

I hope that existing religions find a way how to believe in a Super-God and become compatible with this Super God and the other religions.

Anyhow, I think that I have said enough in this long chapter, so, see you next time in my next chapter called, Man needs God.

May God bless us all.



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