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God exist, possibilities

Updated on October 25, 2020

Discussions about God existence

We would like to believe that we are doing a good service to all communities, because what we are discussing here involves all of us, you see religions and the beliefs in God helps us when the going is tough, so let us  discuss about God existence
We would like to believe that we are doing a good service to all communities, because what we are discussing here involves all of us, you see religions and the beliefs in God helps us when the going is tough, so let us discuss about God existence | Source

God possibilities discussions

Welcome to our article (93), God exist possibilities.

Dear readers, we have written several religious articles. But there is always something else to say. So, we are writing new articles, where we are discussing, whether there is a god or not in a philosophical way. We are also talking about, whether it is useful to believe in God, and what advantages we have by believing in God; but we want to point out, that there are also disadvantages in believing everything religions say, so, we are going to talk about God’s existence and some affect that it brings with it; which in a nut shell, most of them are good, but there are times when they can become a disadvantage.

Now, what we are writing here, is what we have learned from life, and studying religious books. We must keep in mind that every day we learn something new, this influences our religious beliefs; therefore, what we knew becomes modified from our learning.

Now, what we are writing here are our religious beliefs, which we have formed during our life. Because we are going to cover a lot of religious ground and possibilities; we are going to write a few articles instead of a long article. For a start, we are trying to answer the eternal question that humanity has asked for thousands of years, whether God exists or does not exist; this is not easy to prove but will try our best.

While we are doing that, we should look whether it is possible to continue to believe in God and religions the way they are today, or, it is better if religions are modified, so that, all existing religions can become a single religion. Well, not really one single religion, but they should have a common link, at the highest spiritual meeting point. But let us see what we already know, keeping in mind that we want to find a way how to improve religions.


Yahweh God of the Bible

Moses one day after seeing  some sign on Mount Sinai went up to investigate, he found a talking burning bush; the talking bush said to Moses that he was God, he also said that he had heard his people cry and he would help to deliver them from Pharaoh
Moses one day after seeing some sign on Mount Sinai went up to investigate, he found a talking burning bush; the talking bush said to Moses that he was God, he also said that he had heard his people cry and he would help to deliver them from Pharaoh | Source
The ten Commandment were given to Moses from God, when Moses visited Mount Sinai on the way to the Promised Land, I would like to bring to your attention the fourth Commandment, Thou shalt not kill, but today the Islam State kill in the name of God!
The ten Commandment were given to Moses from God, when Moses visited Mount Sinai on the way to the Promised Land, I would like to bring to your attention the fourth Commandment, Thou shalt not kill, but today the Islam State kill in the name of God! | Source

How we see God

Let us talk about how we are supposed to see God; per what we have learned from religious scripture, from our parents, from our teachers, from our priests and what is written in the Bible. They all say that God is the creator of everything, God is omnipotent and cannot be challenged in any way.

But today people start to believe, that God is not the creator of everything, but God can be the creator of life, or helped to make life possible with his spiritual life energies. However, most people believe that there is God, even if this God is not as powerful as God Yahweh in the Bible. We would like to believe, that God is a strong benevolent spiritual force, that can do many things. But not beyond the natural forces; in the Bible God is supposed to be so strong and capable of doing anything by saying or willing that things were done.

Religious books are full of examples of things that have happened in the past; but today nothing similar happens, so, we wonder why, or worse we wonder whether these things have happened in the past, because they seem impossible to have happened, at least to the extent that they claim to have happened; so, there are doubts in our minds, when we use our logic reasoning mind, therefore, if we want to believe in them, we can; but we have to try hard to explain them to ourselves first.

These doubts that we are talking about, are not easy to set aside, because we are constantly forced to think about them, it is our nature that we want to believe that there is a benevolent God, that can help us when we need help. We have written and published an article about it called, Man needs God, but these days it seems to me that God plays a passive part: (that is provided that there is a God,) because it can be possible that there is no God altogether. So, we are going to talk about this issue in this article, to compare with what we know and our beliefs, but we can say that God likes to be passive these days in his activities.


God is passive

We must say that if there is a God, then God is passive these days, for these reasons, we are trying to believe in God; because we know that we need to believe in God, since the belief itself helps us during our lives. But at the same time, we are looking if we can see any real signs of God. So, here we are bound to observe that God is becoming passive these days, because, if we compare the activities that God did in the past, as written in the Bible and other religious books that derive from the Bible, and then we compare that with what God does these days, then we have to say that God is passive, because whatever happens in the world today, God does not do anything not even a sign of his existence shows up; even when there are horrible things happening, and people wish and pray that God would show up and do something about it urgently, so, that the rest of the world knows that God is there and God protect the innocent people.

You see, if we use our logic reasoning mind, we can see clearly that these horrible things should not happen at all, as they are inhumane but they do; and worse of all is that these horrible things are claimed to be done in God’s name; how these fiendish people work it out that these cruel things can be done in God’s name I do not know, neither does the rest of the world know how this could be done in God’s name, but they do: perhaps the God they believe in is a very cruel God, and if it is so, then this God does not deserve to be a God at all, in fact he might be the devil: But it is more likely that these morons in their twisted minds, they have twisted their religious beliefs, and want to believe that they are right.

Whatever is the reason for these horrible happenings, we can only say that this is shocking to all Christian believers, and all those religions that believe in the existence a benevolent God, or spiritual life force of the universe that looks after all existing life on earth. Therefore, when we see these horrible things happen and people are slaughtering their own innocent brothers, and our benevolent God that we believe in does not intervene; then we may believe that God does not exist, because that can even be the truth.

Therefore, we want to ask, if God exists and can do everything, why God does not do anything that would solve these serious human problems? But there is no activity at all from God. Therefore, in the absence of any God activities, we must be forgiven if we say that God does not exist, or he does not care about humanity, so, it would be better if there was no God.


Believe in God or not

So, should we believe in God or not? Because there are reasons to believe, that it would be better if there was no God, and we could believe in ourselves. But then we know that we need God, as we have said in our article man needs God, for this reason we must accept that God exists, even if this God that we accept is not like the God we want, or the God written in the Bible that we have been taught to exist, which according to his own descriptions he is a jealous God; therefore his follower should follow only him and no other God.

The other choice we have, is to believe in a benevolent God that we wish would look after us all the time; anyhow, whichever god we accept that exists this god has elected to be passive for the time being, what else can we do, we have to accept God’s behaviour, if we want to believe in God, and then try to live our lives the best way we can; but at the same time, we have to look around us and see what is happening, so that, we are ready to do the right things according to our own judgment, you see, we must defend ourselves against these violent people, that use the name of God to fulfil their own violent desires, because they want to rule the entire world using God’s name, but by doing that they are reducing God Allah to be their servant or even worse. I hope that their God Allah will not put up with this behaviour.

When these horrible things happen in the name of God, then it would have been better if God does not exist, so this question arises, should we believe in God, or it would be better if we don’t believe in God at all.

These questions cannot be answered because nobody can answer them. So, the only thing that we can do is to follow God’s religious rules, as written in religious books, or follow our spiritual instinct.

Anyhow, at this point of time, it seems to me that this article is becoming too long, so, we will be talking about the possibilities of God existence, in our next articles, which we can call God may not exist. See you there.

May God bless us all.



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